Inclusion Diversity and Equality Policy

The West Midlands Police Sports & Wellbeing Association (“Club”) Inclusion, Diversity and Equal Policy

We have an Inclusion, Diversity & Equality Policy to:

  • Ensure that no unfair discrimination occurs on the grounds of a staff member’s – Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage & Civil Partnership, Pregnancy & Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex or Sexual orientation.
  • Promote equality and fairness throughout the Club.

General principles

We recognise that discrimination within the workplace causes stress and affects the well-being of our staff. Therefore, it is against the policy of the Club for any member, potential member, or staff member to act in a discriminatory manner or to harass or intimidate any member of staff on these grounds.

Any reports of discrimination, harassment or intimidation will be treated seriously and appropriate action, which may include dismissal of staff members or expulsion of members, will be taken.

Where possible the Club will take into consideration any cultural, religious, or physical needs of its employees.

Definition of unfair discrimination

Any behaviour of a discriminatory nature, whether deliberate or otherwise, by a member, potential member or staff member directed against any person that is offensive or objectionable by the recipient(s) because of their sex, race or disability and/or that might threaten an individual’s job security or opportunity to obtain employment or to create an intimidating environment.

In this definition

  • ➢ The term includes reference to Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage & Civil Partnership, Pregnancy & Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex or Sexual orientation.

The following forms of behaviour would be considered contrary to this policy.

  • ➢ Verbal conduct such as making remarks, comments, or innuendos about a person’s race, age, sex or disability; making unwelcome sexual advances, propositions or pressure for sexual activity; offensive flirtation, continued pressure to engage in social activities outside the workplace after it has been made clear such suggestions are unwelcome; lewd comments.
  • ➢ Nonverbal conduct such as displaying objects, pictures or written materials within the workplace which directly or indirectly offend another individual because of their race, sex, or disability; leering, whistling, or making sexually suggestive movements.
  • ➢ Any conduct that ridicules or is physically abusive to an individual because of their race, sex, or disability such as derogatory or degrading abuse or insults which are race, gender or physical/mental impairment related and offensive comments about appearance or dress.
  • ➢ Any unwanted physical contact, including unnecessary touching, petting, pinching or brushing against another employee’s body, assault, coercing sexual intercourse.
  • ➢ Instructing, pressurising, or inciting any individual to discriminate against another on the grounds of race, sex, or disability.
  • ➢ Dismissing a member of staff based on the race, sex or disability or age.
  • ➢ Discriminatory conduct that restricts the access of individuals of a particular race, sex, disability, or age to opportunities for promotion or training.
  • ➢ Applying selection criteria to applicants for a position with the Club or to staff with respect to promotion or training, based on the applicant’s race, sex, disability or age.
  • ➢ Affording terms of employment, benefits, facilities, or services to a staff based upon sex, race, disability, or age.
  • ➢ Discriminating against any individual making a complaint of racial, sexual or disability discrimination.

The above list is not intended to be exhaustive, and The Club reserves the right to add additional examples.


The success of this policy depends on the commitment and understanding of all staff. It is, therefore, the duty of all to read this policy and to conform to the standards set therein.

The Chief Executive is responsible for the introduction of the policy and monitoring its implementation. They will ensure that all staff receive adequate support, guidance and training in the implementation and maintenance of this policy.

The Chief Executive is required to actively discourage discrimination, intimidation, and harassments on the grounds of race, sex, or disability and to prevent such discrimination, intimidation and harassment taking place.

The Chief Executive and Senior Management Team must ensure that any complaints made under this policy are dealt with both promptly and in a sensitive manner and should ensure that any potentially offensive material is neither displayed nor circulated throughout The Club.


Complaints procedure under this policy

If an individual believes that they are the subject of discrimination, intimidation or harassment on the grounds set out above, they should in the first instance request the person responsible to stop the offending behaviour. Any member of staff can also discuss any concerns informally with their manager.

If the offending behaviour continues, is particularly serious or affects an individual’s employment, a complaint should be made to their line manager, in writing. If a member of staff feels unable to approach the person they believe to be discriminating, intimidating or harassing them, this does not preclude them from immediately making a formal complaint to the Chief Executive in writing.

If an individual makes a complaint to their manager or Chief Executive, they will treat that complaint in a sensitive manner and should recognise that making a complaint of this nature is a distressing experience for the individual concerned. They will treat all complaints in a timely and confidential manner.

Once such a complaint is made, the line manager or Chief Executive will establish the facts by making a full investigation of the circumstances of the complaint, taking into consideration the reaction/feelings of the person who has made the complaint. If the line manager or Chief Executive feels that disciplinary action is appropriate such action should be instigated immediately and all parties informed under the disciplinary procedure.

All parties required to attend the disciplinary hearing will have the right to be accompanied by a fellow worker or trade union official of his or her choice. If the result of the disciplinary hearing is that changes are required to be made to the working arrangements, these changes must be made as soon as possible. If necessary, the person alleged to have acted in a discriminatory, intimidating, or harassing manner and not the complainant should be removed from the current working situation. However, the wishes of the complainant must be considered in this regard.

Staff will be protected from intimidation, victimisation, discrimination, or harassment for filing a complaint or assisting in any investigation into this procedure. Retaliation against an individual for making a complaint under this procedure is a disciplinary offence under the terms of this policy.

If either the complainant or the person against whom the complaint has been made is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation/disciplinary procedures an appeal can be made to the Chief Executive or Chairman within five working days of the date of the completion of the investigation or disciplinary hearing. This complaint must be made in writing and must set out the basis upon which the person requesting the appeal is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation/disciplinary procedure.

Thereafter the Chairman or nominated deputy will hear the appeal as soon as reasonably practicable.


Status of this procedure

This procedure does not give contractual rights to individual employees. The company reserves the right to alter any of its terms at any time although we will notify you in writing of any changes.

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