Lockdown Learning – How BBC Bitesize can help your family learn


Originally posted on BBC Website

As a third national lockdown is under way, the BBC is bringing hundreds of educational resources together to help with home-schooling. Whether on TV, online or on social media, we have lots of brilliant content to help you learn at home.


  • Starting on Monday 11 January, CBBC will broadcast three hours of primary school programmes from 9am every weekday. They will include BBC Bitesize Daily, as well as other much-loved shows with an educational twist, such as Our School, Celebrity Supply Teacher, Horrible Histories and more.

  • Secondary students will be able to watch two hours of programmes supporting the curriculum on BBC Two every weekday. These will be complemented by drama adaptations, as well as relevant BBC science, history and factual programmes.

  • Bitesize Daily Primary and Secondary will also air every day on BBC Red Button, and episodes will be available on demand on BBC iPlayer.



Of course, BBC Bitesize is here with lots of easy-to-follow lessons for home learning, as well as collections of resources for all ages.

Learning at home

Supporting learning from home?

Bitesize has plenty of straightforward lessons in Primary Maths and Primary English.

We’re also supporting learning at home with collections of educational resources including quizzes, videos and activities hand-picked from BBC Bitesize and the wider BBC, for other subjects such as Science, History and Geography.

Our curriculum-based and self-contained content is developed by educational consultants, covers all year groups up to Year 9/S3, and is organised by topic or theme to make it easy for you to find.

Just select your year group and subject to get started.

Teenagers in Year 10 or 11?

Help them stay on top of their studies with our GCSE revision guides.

They can also find support and advice on their well-being on Bitesize Support.