Obesity increases risk of death from Covid 19 – WMP Functional Fitness are here to help


Recent studies have shown that Obesity significantly increases the risk of dying from Covid19. See link for details. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-53532228

That’s aside from the huge numbers of people in this country who die from and suffer with diseases linked to Obesity including Cardiac diseases, Diabetes and various types of Cancer. There has never been a better time to review your exercise, nutrition and lifestyle and make some positive changes. It takes personal responsibility and discipline to make lasting habit changes but we at WMP Functional Fitness (WMP FF) know that for most people that doesn’t work in isolation. There’s a good reason many addiction rehabilitation/recovery programmes use groups and mentors to provide support and accountability. There is no doubt that refined  and added sugar in our diet is one of the most addictive and destructive substances in the world. Sedentary lifestyles also strongly contribute. Look at the deaths and disease rates from ‘Chronic Diseases’ linked to obesity. They far outweigh those from Class A drugs and Alcohol combined.

We are a Sports and Social Club and we do compete Nationally and relatively successfully in the Sport of Crossfit. Our primary aim though is to increase the health and wellness of Police Officers/Staff by introducing them at minimal cost to a fun and inclusive way of exercising in a group setting. We run two sessions a week on a Sunday and a Wednesday outside at present due to Covid 19 but due to move to a purpose-built facility in the near future.

We have over 60 members now and each are at a different stage of their journey to improve their health. Only a relative few compete with the majority happy to come along and have fun and get fitter. Many newer members just want help getting through the fitness test and all our sessions can and are scaled/adapted to suit any fitness level. We have qualified Coaches who can offer advice and guidance on how to improve your overall health outside of those two sessions at home or at a work/private gym. We are also establishing a ‘Mentor’ Scheme within the club with more experienced members helping with those needing advice support.

Please check out our introductory video on the link below and get in touch with me via email or via our Instagram at WMPolice Functional Fitness if you’re interested in trying a free session. Annual membership is £30 plus you must be a Sports and Wellbeing Association.

That’s it! You can come to as many sessions as you like. Hope to see you soon.